Worldwide Support, Experienced Operators, Specialised Rental Solutions


Airpac Rentals has supplied comprehensive high pressure air packages and operators to support drilling of geothermal wells.

Air Drilling

Airpac Rentals recently supplied six 950 cfm high pressure Air Compressors, a 1800 psi Booster Compressor, a 2000 psi Booster Compressor, one high pressure Air Receiver, a containerised workshop and a large quantity of air hoses to support air-drilling of a geothermal well in Espoo, Finland.

We were tasked with providing support to air-drilling operations of at least 3000m, before a possible switch to water-drilling. Well One was drilled to approximately 3500m, after some initial difficulties, and Well Two as drilled beyond 4500m, before the decision was taken to switch to water-drilling. Our team of three operators, on split shifts, successfully managed the entire package and provided support to the client on a daily basis.

Airpac Rentals’s equipment and operator provision resulted in successful operation and maintenance of the entire air package, ensuring no downtime was suffered as a result of compressor issues.

Airpac Rentals has also previously supplied equipment packages to support geothermal projects in Innamincka, Australia for Geodynamics (now known as ReNu Energy).